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Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the TextileFinds website located at, operated by Trusted Textile Marketplace (TextileFinds).

Last revision date: July 26, 2022

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to TextileFinds. So, we have developed a Privacy Policy that covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your information. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices.

IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY, "WE," "US," "ITS" AND "OUR" REFER TO Trusted Textile Marketplace LLC ("TextileFinds"), AND "YOU" AND "YOUR" REFER TO YOU. Before using the TextileFinds website and all associated sites linked to (collectively, the “Web-site”) containing the link to this policy, please read carefully this Privacy Policy ("Policy") relating to your use of the Web-site.

By using the Web-site, you consent to:

  • the collection and use of your information and data as set forth in this Policy;
  • the use of cookies;
  • e-mails sent to you for TextileFinds account management purposes; and
  • e-mails sent to notify you about TextileFinds activity and promotional offers.


This Policy covers only information and data that is collected through this Web-site and no other web Web-sites that may be linked to this Web-site; nor does this Policy apply to practices of companies that we do not control or to people we do not employ or manage.

By accepting the Policy during registration, you expressly consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your information as described in this Policy and to all other terms herein.

It may be possible for you to browse certain parts of the Web-site without identification or revealing any information that enables us to directly identify you as an individual. However, you may lose anonymity once you give us information about you, and by doing so, you agree to the collection, transfer and storage of that information to our servers and to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Information Collected

The following information about you or arising from your activities on the Web-site may be collected and stored by us:

  1. name and surname, email address for individuals;
  2. company’s name; name, surname and patronymic of company’s representative; email address; contact telephone number and location for legal entities;
  3. orders that you provide to purchase a good or service;
  4. correspondence through the Web-site, and correspondence sent to us;
  5. computer sign-on data, time and date data, statistics on page views, your IP address, your GPS location, the type of computing environment you use, and traffic to and from the Web-site;
  6. other technical information or data collected from Web-site traffic, including IP address and standard web log information and information gathered from cookies, beacons and other mechanisms;
  7. supplemental or additional information we may request from you in the event previous information you have provided cannot be verified;
  8. Your Content (as that term is defined in the Terms of Use) and any other information that you choose to make available via the Web-site or that other visitors share about you; and
  9. information that you voluntarily provide to us.

Our Use of Information

We use the Information that you submit us in order to:

  1. save Information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the Web-site;
  2. provide custom, personalized content and information;
  3. monitor the effectiveness of our Service;
  4. monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic etc.;
  5. diagnose or fix technology problems reported by our Users or engineers that are associated with certain IP addresses;
  6. help you to efficiently access your information after you sign in;
  7. support a site of User on Web-site;
  8. sending accounting documents to you in pursuance of an oral contracts with Us.

We may combine your information with information we collect from other sources to improve the Web-site and the functionality, depth and breadth of offerings provided by us and our third party affiliates, customers and partners. We may provide, sell or rent anonymized information to non-affiliated third parties arising from your use of the Web-site, not connected to your identity, for marketing or other commercial purposes (such as without limitation information regarding preferences, practice areas, Web-site activity, locations, and working habits).

We may provide data to our advertising partners or customers after we have removed your name or any other personally identifying information from it, or have combined it with other people's data in a way that it is no longer associated with you. Similarly, when we receive data about you from our partners or customers, we keep the data and subsequently combine it with other people's data in a way that it is no longer associated with you. Queries, replies and comments you post on the Web-site and related data may be exposed to public search engines and publicly available search results, or other research services, for purposes of inviting broader engagement within the business community.

Sharing Information

Except as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, we will not disclose personal information to any third party.

We may share your personal information with:

  1. (i) our subsidiaries to help detect and prevent potentially illegal actions and provide joint services to requesting users;
  2. (ii) service providers, consultants or similar contractors or agents to support or enhance the Web-site or our business operations, or with whom we contract in order to carry out transactions initiated by you, such as credit card processing organizations, and companies providing services available on the Web-site (including authentication and/or spell check services);
  3. (iii) other third parties to whom you explicitly ask us to send your information (or about whom you are otherwise explicitly notified and solicited consent when using a specific service);
  4. (iv) law enforcement or other governmental officials, in response to a verified request relating to a criminal investigation or alleged illegal activity;
  5. (v) persons as we in our sole discretion believe necessary or appropriate in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement, piracy, or other unlawful activity; and
  6. (vi) other business entities, should we plan to merge with, or be acquired by that business entity.

Following termination or deactivation of your User account, We may retain your profile information and User Content for a commercially reasonable time for backup, archival, or audit purposes. Furthermore, TextileFinds may retain and continue to use indefinitely all information (including User Content) contained in your communications to other Users or posted to public or semi-public areas of the Service after termination or deactivation of your User account.

Your Use of the Web-site

Your name will necessarily be displayed throughout the Web-site and to the public in order to offer the services of the Web-site. You can change or delete your Information in your personal account “My TextileFinds” at any time.

Cookie Policy

The Web-site may utilize "cookies", which are small text files placed on your computer or device. We also use pixel tags, web beacons and other similar technologies. Such devices are used to help analyze our web page flow, customize our services, optimize our user interfaces, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety. With these devices, we collect data such as the identity of the applicable internet service provider, the user's IP address of his or her terminal device, the type of browser software and operating system in use, the date and time of Web-site access, the website address, if any, from which the user linked to the Web-site, and other similar traffic-related information. We may also aggregate such information with similar data collected from other users and disclose such aggregate information to third parties. Certain features are only available through the use of cookies, and generally we need to use cookies to help identify you and maintain your signed-in status. You are always free to decline Web-site cookies via your browser settings, although, doing so may interfere with your use of the Web-site. We may use the third party’s services which may contain cookies due to their cookies policy.


Your password deserves careful thought and protection. Use unique numbers, letters, and special characters and do not disclose your password to anyone. If you do share your password or your personal information with others, remember that you are responsible for all actions taken in the name of your account. If you lose control of your password, you may lose substantial control over your personal information and may be subject to legally binding actions taken on your behalf. If your password has been compromised for any reason, you should immediately access your profile on the Web-site to change your password and notify us immediately

Your Rights

You can see, review and change most of your personal information by logging into the Web-site. You must promptly update your personal information if it changes or is inaccurate. If you deactivate your account, your profile page will not be visible but all your posted content will still be accessible. In addition to the foregoing, we retain personal information from closed accounts, if and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, including in order to comply with law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce our Web-site-related agreements, and take other actions otherwise permitted by law or as specified elsewhere in this Policy.

If at any time you choose to opt out from allowing us to share with or disclose to non-agent third parties your personal information in the future, or if you wish to request access to, or deletion or modification of, any personal information that we have about you that we do not already make available to you for your review and deletion or modification, contact us directly via email to [email protected]. Upon receipt and process of a reasonable opt-out request, we will comply with such request to the reasonable extent within a commercially reasonable period of time. Note that requests to terminate disclosure to third parties may frustrate or render impossible our ability to maintain the Web-site or conduct transactions initiated by you.


Except as otherwise expressly included in this Policy, this document addresses only the use and disclosure of information we collect from you. If you disclose your information to others, whether they are users on the Web-site or other Web-sites throughout the Internet, different rules may apply.


The Web-site is not directed to children. If you are younger than eighteen, please do not provide any personal information to us. If a person under 18 years has provided personal information to us, a parent or guardian of such person should contact us at [email protected] so that we can remove such information from our database.


TextileFinds is located in the Republic of Uzbekistan. All matters relating to privacy issues are governed by the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Data Security

We use commercially reasonable physical, managerial and technical safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of your information and implement your privacy settings. We cannot, however, ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to TextileFinds or guarantee that your information on our Service may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards. Despite our efforts, third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications, and other users may abuse or misuse your personal information that they collect from the Web-site.

To protect your privacy and security, we take reasonable steps (such as requesting a unique password) to verify your identity before granting you access to your account.

Closing Comments

This document is constantly evolving to reflect our latest developments. We reserve the right to change it at any time and encourage you to refer to this Privacy policy on an ongoing basis so that you understand our current Privacy Policy. We will post any Privacy Policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice.